The Cascade of Light
Across the world and through time, Light has been recognized as the quintessential
symbol of Love, Life, Nourishment, Transformation, Rebirth, and Purification.
Only through Light are we able to purify and transform any toxic feelings and habits into
positive ones.
Most of us have challenges to overcome and lessons to learn before stepping into our
higher purpose. Light represents New Life, New Beginning, Rebirth...
Who we were yesterday is not who we are today.
It is time to break free from those negative and toxic cycles some of which have been
instilled from earlier generations...
But if we are attracted to the Light, the time has come ...
the time has come to leave behind all addictions; the time has come to leave behind all
grudges; the time has come to leave behind all self-destructive behavior; the time has
come to leave behind all toxic and abusive relationships; leave behind all greed; the
time has come to leave behind all jealousy and envy; the time has come to leave behind
all depression and self-doubt; the time has come to leave behind all feelings of
victimization and laziness; the time has come to leave behind all hate...
It is time to come back to our true selves ~ to our Light~ that divine Light from which we
all come, and through which we are all connected.
Today is your day~ your new beginning is here...
Look deep into the Light and recognize your true essence in it.
Dear one, always remember who you truly are... You are powerful beyond measure...
You are Light~
As an ever-present blessing, Light permeates into all of our actions, inspirations, and
creations at the Sanctuary. For this reason, a core feature of Life Journey Trail is called: The Cascade of Light.
The Cascade of Life is ~ a divinely guided composition of hand-crafted designer
spheres of Light harmoniously placed, following the Golden Ratio, which sprout
magically from our hundred years old oak tree to cascade onto the Cocoon and Yang’s
Memorial completing the Cycle of Life~
Reminding us that We are all Light~ and We are all One.